NAMI Family to Family Class Starts Soon!

FREE Education and Support for Families of Individuals with Mental Illness

Do you have a family member with mental illness? Have you struggled to understand the diagnosis? Would you like to know how to take care of yourself while caring for your loved one?

The NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program is a free 12-week course for families and friends of individuals who are dealing with conditions such as ADHD, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. The course is taught by trained family members who have lived with this experience. The course teaches the knowledge and skills that family members need to cope more effectively.

Family-to-Family Course Topics include:

  • Family responses to the trauma of mental illness.
  • Schizophrenia, major depression, and mania: Diagnosis and dealing with critical periods.
  • Depression and Bipolar subtypes; Panic disorder; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD);
  • Borderline Personality Disorder; Co-occurring brain and addictive disorders.
  • The biology of the brain: emerging scientific discoveries.
  • Problem solving workshop
  • Medication review
  • Understanding the inner experience of having a mental illness.
  • Communication skills workshop.
  • Self-care, relative group testimony.
  • Rehabilitation, services available.
  • Advocacy, fighting stigma.

The NAMI Family-To-Family Education Program is appropriate for parents, siblings, other family members and significant others of adult persons with severe and persistent mental illness.

More information at:

Registration is REQUIRED so that student manuals are available:

Mon. February 25, 2019, 12 Mondays, 6:30-9 pm, Jewish Community Center @ 5801 W.115th. Overland Park, KS 66211. Contact: Michelle Reeves 913-424-7652, e-mail: [email protected]